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Preliminary distributionatlas of mammals in Flanders (Belgium, Europe)

This publication was financialy supported by the Institute for Natureconservation, the Institute for Forestry and Gamemanagement and the province Limburg


© Zoogdierenwerkgroep van de Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie en Milieubescherming, Gent, 1997

Editor: Thierry Onkelinx

The Zoogdierenwerkgroep wants, as an hornour to Franky Bonne, dedicate this publication to him. He was one of the most actif persons behind this project. Unfortunatly Franky passed away on 8 septembre 1997, so he will never see the final result of the countless hours of his work.

The main part of this atlas is in Dutch. The links in the table of contens here below will lead you to a description (in Dutch) of the species and a distributionmap. The maps are based on the recordings collected by the Zoogdierenwerkgroep (ZWG). At this moment we have already 22.000 recordings processed. All recordings shown on the maps were made from 1986 until now. For more information you can send an e-mail to: Thierry.Onkelinx@advalvas.be
Caution: these maps where made in december 1997 and where published in ONKELINX, T. (1997) Voorlopige atlas van de Vlaamse zoogdieren. Euglena 16 (6) extra nummer, Jeugdbond voor Natuurstudie en Milieubescherming, Gent

The legend of all the maps is the same.
A block represents sure recorings. These are the recordings where is was possible to hold the aminal in the hand: dead animals, captured animals, sculls, traffic victims, hunting victims, bats in hibernation or breeding roost...
A circle represents relative sure recordings. These are the recorings where the animal or a trail was seen: sight, trail, foodremains, nests, droppings, bat-detector recordings...
A dot represents recordings from owl-pellets (mostly Barn-owl Tyto alba).


Design & maintenance: Thierry Onkelinx
Copyright © 1999 JNM Zoogdierenwerkgroep. All rights reserved.
Last updated on 04/01/2000